Tag Archives: Black Hills

SoDak 2024

Another trip to South Dakota in the books – once again a bit of a surprise. The Black Hills are still very wet so there were tons of flowers around, including flowers I’ve never seen before, and, I explored new-to-me areas of the hills. It was funny to find areas I passed by for years ended up having great hiking.

It was a bit surprised I could pick enough flowers to make a bouquet. Wild daisy, blanket flower, and, others were in abundance. It was wild to see. I really don’t remember so many flowers in the hills when I was younger. Maybe because it was a lot dryer?

There is a hiking area called the “Rock Maze”. It’s a lot like what it sounds: hiking between large rocks. I’ve driven by the area probably about 1,000 times and I had no idea the Rock Maze was there. I think the advent of hiking apps and social media has made it a lot easier to spread the knowledge of hidden gems and make everywhere a bit more accessible.

All in all, it was a fabulous trip out to SoDak :).

Spring 2024

Once again, lots of different zip codes were visited this spring.

it was shocking to visit Talladaga only to find the area around talladega is extremely rural, and, the city itself is 16,000 people. Proportionately, Talladaga punches wayyyyyyy above its weight culturally considering its status in the country music scene. It was odd driving around Talladega National Forest and being inundated with forest fire smoke, very black hills-esque, and, another reason why east central / east-north-central Alabama reminds me so much of the black hills.

I think I finally found my peach pie filling recipe I’ve been searching for the last eight years with some hints from a random woman selling home made hand pies in the rural Talladaga National Forest.
Otherwise, it was fun travel out and about in the Midwest especially considering how warm and beautiful the spring has been.

I’ve spent a lot of time in South Dakota including Sioux Falls. It’s been neat to explore a new part of the state even though it’s quite ugly.

Enjoy the photos, enjoy the spring!!

Summer 2023

Such an odd summer for Minnesota. First we had rain. A lot of rain. Then flooding. Then it stopped raining entirely, drought set in, and smoke from Canada moved in. It’s been brutally hot. Summer has been… crap. Rapid City, where I grew up, was neon green over the 4th of July. I even saw a bunch of wild roses growing in the hills while hiking – something I’ve never seen.

Despite the crap and strange weather, we still have had a great bounty from our fruit trees and garden. It’s been fun to hike in the area, and, it’s been fun to visit new state parks in the area.

We’ve gone hiking in Wisconsin a bit more because we can go to Interstate Park so many times before it gets boring. We’re lucky the Driftless area extends as far north as it does because it makes for some neat hiking.

I guess we make do 🙂

Chris W.