SoDak 2024

Another trip to South Dakota in the books – once again a bit of a surprise. The Black Hills are still very wet so there were tons of flowers around, including flowers I’ve never seen before, and, I explored new-to-me areas of the hills. It was funny to find areas I passed by for years ended up having great hiking.

It was a bit surprised I could pick enough flowers to make a bouquet. Wild daisy, blanket flower, and, others were in abundance. It was wild to see. I really don’t remember so many flowers in the hills when I was younger. Maybe because it was a lot dryer?

There is a hiking area called the “Rock Maze”. It’s a lot like what it sounds: hiking between large rocks. I’ve driven by the area probably about 1,000 times and I had no idea the Rock Maze was there. I think the advent of hiking apps and social media has made it a lot easier to spread the knowledge of hidden gems and make everywhere a bit more accessible.

All in all, it was a fabulous trip out to SoDak :).

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