So March is here and supposedly winter will be ending. Lot’s of snow here in New York and it’s been cold in Chicago. The standard unit of snowfall in this area is around a foot; if I see a forecast for snow in Albany I figure we’re getting about a foot, probably more. It’s not windy so the snow simply accumulates and is really pretty.
I picked up a 36MP full frame DSLR with a wide angle lens and have had a chance to put it thru some paces. Compared to my Canon point and shoot, the DSLR is amazing!
I had a chance to see some sights in Albany and Chicago over the last few weeks and the pictures are below. A few notes:
- The NY Capitol building is one of the most beautiful building I’ve ever been in. The place has a whole lot of stonework complete with gold covered walls (not even joking).
- Even from far up above in Corning Tower, Albany still looks like a dump.
- Chicago is quite pretty in the evenings.
- My Nikon D800 is amazing. I wish I was half as capable as the camera. The 20MBish photos are insane.
Enjoy the pictures.
Chris W.